Monday, July 21, 2008

Master Cleanser Detox, Diet Review Day 1

I started the Master Cleanser Detox/Diet plan. I will drink for the most part a mixture of lemons, maple syrup, cayenne pepper mix for ten days. The ingredients are:

2 tbsp. (1fl. oz.) of fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice,

2 tbsp. (1fl. oz.) of grade B organic maple syrup,

1/10th tsp. of cayenne pepper and

8 fl. oz of spring or purified water.

This mixture is the main substanance during the detox you can also drink just water if hungry. I made this mixture this morning and it was actually really good. The cayenne pepper was great the first drink but the rest of the day it seemed a bit hot. It is recommended though that you do not cut back on the amount of cayenne pepper.
The other components to this plan are taking senna tea at night before bed. This is a laxative that is meant to clean out your colon as fast as possible and it sounds like most people stop having solid bowel movements by the third day. In the morning you then drink salt water which also flushes out the system.
I was not hungry most the day and had very little in the way of cravings. It is going pretty good so far. I did not take the senna tea last night but will tonight.


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