Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Master Cleanse Detox Diet Review

I took a large amount of time off after finishing the Master Cleanse Detox Diet Plan because I didn't want to be overly biased by what I just went through. So, now with a level head I feel the Master Cleanse Detox Plan is good and bad but first I have to comment on the detox element. There are many ways to detox your body and each will be beneficial for certain parts of your body. Master Cleanse is good at detoxing your colon and stomach. Many people should work on helping their liver, there are various methods I believe dandlion is good for that. For your skin I have heard it is beneficial to take more baths and baths with epsom salts. Many toxins are stored in your fat cells and therefore losing weight is beneficial for that. Don't eat highly processed foods, artificial flavors, artificial colors, etc to start with. Last deodorants are starting to contain more and more aluminum, use a deodorant with low aluminum.
How healthy is this plan?
It is beneficial to lose that extra weight but any diet that is missing multiple food groups can not be very healthy. The ingredients are cayenne pepper, lemons, maple syrup. You lose out on dairy, breads, meats etc. So many people see extremely skinny people and see that as being healthy - it's not but also being 300lbs and not very muscular is unhealthy also.
I would not recommend this plan as a diet plan. I do recommend this as a detox plan but only for 10 days, after that I don't believe the detoxing benefits warrant the continuing of the plan.

Ease of Use 3 out of 10 due to the fact it is difficult to get by not having any solid food.

Effectiveness 8 out of 10 because you do lose weight and detox your colon effectively

Healthiness 3 out of 10 due to the fact this is one of the most unhealthy diets I have ever tried.

Overall Rating of 4 out of 10 eventhough this is effective it is just to unhealthy and was the most difficult diet plans I have every tried.


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